Customers having fun at Chicago Costume. Could they have this much fun while shopping on Amazon? Never!
By Ed Avis
As this crazy year bumps along towards Halloween, I’ve been thinking about how bricks-and-mortar stores – and NCA members specifically – will be able to maximize their sales. I’ve also been talking to Vendor and Buyer members about that topic, so this essay includes some thoughts from the front lines.
Overall, I think it’s imperative that bricks-and-mortar retailers lean into several key sales drivers: Their unique costume talents; their local relationships; and their one-of-a-kind charm.
First, the talent. Nobody who shops at Target or Spirit Halloween this fall will be getting hand-made, unique costumes. The ability to make costumes and accessories is one thing that distinguishes NCA members from every other retailer. If you saw the webinar last year hosted by Linda Adams Foat, past NCA president and owner of Camelot Costumes in Freeport, Illinois, you’ll know what I’m talking about. Foat created amazing, sales-worthy masks with common materials that you probably have laying around your shop. Her creations helped make Camelot Costumes a destination shopping experience for people in her community.
Many NCA members are master seamstresses or employ them. I spoke with new NCA Board Member Courtland Hickey last week, and employees of his business, Chicago Costume, make mascots for professional sports teams, businesses, and many other customers. His mascot customers are not visiting a big box store for those purchases!
Second, the local angle. Amazon has killed thousands of small businesses by offering a vast selection, low prices, and easy shipping. But no one has ever tried on a costume at Amazon. That’s the local costume shop’s silver bullet – your customers can touch the goods, make sure they fit, and take them home on the spot. Next-day shipping? Not needed, thank you.
These days the local angle goes beyond those conveniences, though. The pandemic really brought home the fact that local businesses give life to a community. Not only do they make shopping more enjoyable, but local businesses support communities with events, charity, jobs and countless other contributions. And local residents appreciate those things! NCA Vice President Janine Caufield told me her community really displayed their love for her business this the past year: “During COVID our community stepped up and kept us afloat!”
Finally, the one-of-a-kind charm. Why do people love shopping at the Wizard’s Chest in Denver, another NCA member? Of course part of it is because of their vast selection of costumes, games, magic tricks and related goods, but another big reason is the full experience. Wizard’s Chest is designed to emulate a castle and is decorated top to bottom with artwork and design elements that make customers think they’ve entered Tolkein’s Middle Earth. There’s no doubt that some customers show up purely for the experience!
Not every costume shop is as dramatic as Wizard’s Chest, of course, but most are charming, fun places that add character to their community and create unforgettable shopping trips. Selling costumes and accessories just goes hand-in-hand with an overall fun experience!
As Halloween nears and you start thinking about how your shop will compete with the big boys this year, remember that you have some distinct advantages. Play them up and you’re likely to hear your cash register ring more often.