To kick off the buying season, the Halloween & Costume Association historically has sponsored the International Halloween Show in New York each December. For 2021, we're offering a new virtual event to allow buyers and manufacturers alike an opportunity to request appointments and meet online face-to-face in a robust platform, Monday, December 6 through Thursday, December 9.
To allow flexibility for participants across time zones, Show hours will be 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM ET but each participant will indicate their own personal availability each day. Appointments will be issued in 30-minute blocks with the ability to select multiple slots to secure longer appointments i.e. 90 or 120 minutes. The other party must accept the appointment request and then you'll have the opportunity to meet virtually face-to-face through the platform. You can also directly chat and video call within the platform as well.
Buyers -- Please click here to register to participate.
Any questions, please email info@halloweencostumeassociation.org