By Dwayne Ibsen
I thought, since this is the 100th Anniversary of the National Costumers Association, it was fitting to know the story of Major Harrelson, the Founder and first President of the organization.
Major Samuel E Harrelson was born in Sibley, Missouri, November 26th, 1867. He was educated at the Wentworth Military Academy in Lexington, Missouri. After graduation he was employed by Chards and Conover Wholesale Hardware in Kansas City He began representing them as a traveling salesman and while in Oklahoma found an idea for a costume business connected with a phonograph studio.
In 1910 he bought Dallas Costume Company and moved it to Oklahoma City where he intended to settle. Two years later he bought Archer Costume Co. in Kansas City, and decided to mover the entire business to Kansas City.
By 1916 he was called into service because of the conflict at the Mexican border and when he returned he found he was called back into service for World War 1. When he was released in 1919 he returned to Kansas City and continued the business that his wife had maintained.
He began the manufacture of high end western wear and traveled the country selling his designs to other costume shops. From this he developed the idea of an organization which took quite a while to develop. Costumers did not want to share ideas, designs and advice at that time. From his convincing, the first meeting or convention was held in 1923 in Indianapolis, since he felt that was a central spot to meet.
Everyone who attended was enthusiastic and from that small gathering an organization grew, now a century old. (Are you interested in NCA history? Then be sure to join us in August at the 100th Birthday Bash! Click here for details.)
Dwayne Ibsen, owner of Ibsen Costume Gallery in Omaha, is a member of the NCA Board of Directors.