Editor's Note: NCA President Pam Markel has been researching the association's history in preparation for our 100th birthday party in August (click here for details about that event), and she recently came across information about the Miss NCA Contest. Here is her report.
This contest was started in 1955 by Pearl Pressler, owner of The Mask & Wig Co. of Dayton, Ohio. Pearl started this contest in Dayton, to bring attention to her shop. Due to all the publicity her store received from this promotion, she decided to pitch this idea to the National Costumers Association. The Board of Directors voted for the Miss NCA Contest and coordinated this event the promotion of National Costume Week, February 22 through March 1st.
Each NCA shop was to select a “Miss Costumer” from their area; have her photographed, get one or more prints, not over 8” x 10” in size. She will be entered by photograph, in the shop’s costume. She need not be present as the judging will be from the photograph which will be posted at the convention hall. The NCA members will vote by ballot and the young lady with the most votes will be chosen “Miss National Costumer.” She will receive a small cash award, a ribbon banner with her title on it, a loving cup and other prizes.
“It will be good publicity for you and your shop, most of all the NCA,” said Irwin Dawson. The board of directors decided that there would be no rules as to how each member picks their candidate, provided that each costumer enters no more that one candidate and she is photographed in that shops’ costume. There is no age bracket, and the costume may be of any design.
The winners were:
1955? Miss Joy Linn
1955 Miss Barbara Bentley
1956 Marianne Butler
1957 Mrs. Virginia Steiger
1958 Miss Catherine Hentschel
1959 Miss Cathy Fried
1961 Pam D’Orsay
The “Miss National Costumer” was cancelled after 1961, at the same time National Costume Week dissolved.