The countdown is on! The NCA’s 100th Birthday Bash is weeks away, and we’re hoping we see you there. Wondering what's on tap for the event? See the full schedule below. Then, if you haven't registered yet, click here to do so!
Friday August 4, 2023
1-5 pm Registration in the lobby
3-5 pm Porpoise practice in the pool
6-7 pm Cocktail hour/Meet and greet new and old friends (cash bar). Ballroom A, B, C, D
7-9:30 pm Opening Night Party: “Harrelson’s Hideout, a 1920s Speakeasy.” To get in the swing of things, adorn yourself in a 1920s costume and be ready for a good time. Costumes are optional but appreciated. Bring some cash for the Silent Auction! Ballroom A, B, C, D
Saturday August 5th
8-9 am Breakfast in the hotel gathering area.
9:15-9:30 am Welcome in the main ballroom
9:45-11:00 am Class: “Behind Every Mask There is a Face….and Behind Every Face There is a Story.” Madrid Room. Attendees will learn how to create an elaborate mask that tells your story for the Bal Masque banquet.
11:15-12:15 pm Class: “Marketing Beyond the Basics.” Madrid Room. Whether YouTube, Instagram, Tik Tok or something new, social media and digital marketing are critical for your business.
12:15-1:15 pm Buffet lunch – Greenhouse Area
1:30-2:30 pm Class: “To Halloween and Beyond.” Madrid Room. Learn how to sell beyond Halloween; diversify your products, expand to new audiences, and test new marketing initiatives.
2:45-3:45 pm Class: “Between Friends: Hacks for your Business.” Madrid Room, Members will share their unique tricks for our unique businesses.
4-5 pm NCA Business Meeting. Madrid Room
5-6 pm Porpoise Review. Pool area
6-7 pm Cocktail hour (cash bar). Ballrooms A, B, C
7-10 pm Bal Masque Banquet. Ballrooms A, B, C, D
- President’s remarks and introduction of honored guests: Past Presidents, Harrelson Award Winners, Harry Palmer Award Winners, Honorary Life Membership, and Unsung Heroes.
- Presentation of Unsung Hero Award to Rachel Godeli Johnson
- Presentation of the first Harrelson Plaque to the Lester Essig’s family
- Installation of the new President and The Board of Directors
- Historical Presentation and Slide Show: See 100 years of NCA’s history unfold in 25-year increments!
- Cutting of the 100-year Birthday Cake
- Farewell and closing remarks by President Terry Sinopoli
- Hold hands in friendship and sing “Auld Lang Syne” (this is a long-standing NCA tradition)
Remember, if you haven't registered yet, click here to do so!