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After more than 50 years, SCHENZ THEATRICAL SUPPLY in Cincinnati, OH is closing its doors.
Following the deaths of our founders, Jonn Schenz and Stephen Rausch, and the setbacks of the Covid crisis, we have begun liquidating our costume stock and other assets. We have sold a number of the high-profile costumes Stephen designed and built in the shop, but we still have some 900 rack-feet of costumes available. They fall broadly into the categories of animal mascots, stage costumes, and show wardrobes.
The total Schenz catalogue is too extensive to list, so what follows is just an overview. All the costumes listed are in stage-worthy condition but have been used as rentals; a number are over 60 years old and show some wear. We do not have a digital catalogue but I am attaching a few photos (MY FAIR LADY, 2018). In response to inquiries, I can take photos of costumes as needed.
Schenz Theatrical has been the proud custodian of a costuming tradition begun by the William Beck Co. in 1856. Jonn and Stephen both were long-time active members of the NCA. We hope that current NCA members will take this opportunity to keep the tradition alive.
Please contact me directly as listed below.
John Ray
Email: sts_office@fuse.net
Phone: 513-542-6100
2955 Colerain Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45225
Mascot costumes - more than 60 fur-covered animal mascots (jump suit or two-piece, celastic or foam head, mitts and/or feet, depending), originally built from the mid-1970's though c. 2005. These include birds, chipmunks, bears, dogs, a cat, tigers, panther, Thanksgiving turkeys, an elephant, gorillas, Puss in Boots, and dinosaurs, and larger costumes including an ostrich and a dragon or two.
Easter Bunnies: c. 30, not including the Schenz White House bunnies; these include jumpsuit or two-piece, some with vests and/or parade feet, and full head.
About 50 Santa Claus suits in velour, corduroy or wool (pants, jacket, hat, belt, boot covers), size 40 to 70, plus Mrs. Claus and Santa's elves (and several 1970-vintage "sexy Ms. Santa"). We also have a few new Halco Santa suits in boxes, including in plush, plus new Santa wig and beard sets and Santa paraphernalia.
The Schenz theatrical costume collection totals over 900 rack-feet of costumes, from the Biblical and Greco-Roman period through the mid-20th century.
Please note what is not available:
We have sold virtually all men's and women's higher-social-status costumes for the period c. 1500 to c. 1830 (Renaissance gowns and doublets, late Medieval tunics, surcotes and gowns, Don Quixote Spanish court wear, Marie Antoinette-era, Dickens era).
We have sold virtually all women's Victorian costumes, 1830-1900 (jacket/skirt/hat ensembles).
(A small number of costumes from these periods are included in Show Wardrobes; see below.)
What we have (not included in Show Wardrobes):
We have men's higher-status costumes from the Victorian period through early 20th century:
More than 20 vintage-looking suits, most with trousers and/or vests;
20 morning coats/cutaways with grey striped trousers;
14 grey Ascots w/ vests and trousers;
8 frock coats;
50 black tailcoats, with trousers;
38 white tailcoats, with trousers;
12 red tailcoats (waiters' jackets), unlined, no trousers;
44 black tuxedo jackets, with or without trousers;
76 white or white-on-white tuxedo jackets, with trousers;
More than 25 rack-feet of men's trousers, different colors and patterns suitable for 19th to mid-20th century.
More than 20 rack-feet of men's jackets from mid- to late 20th century, many of the colorful polyester era.
We have a large selection of peasant or lower-social-status men's or women's costume pieces: breeches, long skirts, shirts (big puffy pirate sleeves!), blouses and vests, knightly tabards and tunics for different ethnicities circa 1500 to the present.
We have a dozen taffeta or silk women's Medieval dresses, some with hennins;
A dozen lightweight, undecorated Medieval gowns, plus men's tunics
We have about a dozen lighter-weight but very usable Colonial women's dresses and more than thirty Prairie/Western dresses of similar quality (not constructed by Mr. Rausch).
We have several racks of vintage 1970's - 80's streetwear for women and men.
More than thirty Halloween-ready capes and cloaks in black and/or red.
Vests and chaps for cowboys, in fur or naugahyde; some Indian costumes, mostly in fabric.
We have a dozen elaborate, gold-trimmed, pink or blue Persian dancing costumes
c. 30 Japanese kimonos and men's costumes suitable for MIKADO or MME. BUTTERFLY
Dance hall and Can-Can costumes.
Traditional Brazilian street dancer costumes with cutaway skirts.
Assorted men's military uniforms, various eras; good number of Confederate officers, a few Union officers, plus a few women's uniforms, plus men's overcoats, plus firefighter's jackets
Assorted medical white uniforms, plus yellow waitress uniforms.
Women's streetwear/evening gowns, late 1950's - 60's.
Women's coats, including some furs.
Women's petticoats and bloomers
Women's peasant bodices and dirndls
Women's "bathing costumes," c. 1890 - 1920
Ties; hats; aprons; shawls; cumberbunds; formal vests; spats; boot covers for pirates or Santas; knights' helmets, and sundries beyond counting. If you don't see it, ask.
SHOW WARDROBES (incl. key lead costumes except as noted)
ANNIE (girl orphans' dresses and smocks, boy orphans, Annie's red dress [2] and blue coat)
THE WIZ (sharing a lot of shiny green with WIZARD)
THE WIZARD OF OZ (couple of Dorothies and Glindas, two sets of Tin Man / Scarecrow / Lion, winged monkeys, Winkies)
THE KING AND I (incl. gowns and daywear for Anna)
BRIGADOON (partial)
MAN OF LA MANCHA (Sancho and peasants, Spanish soldiers with armor, Moorish dancers only)
JESUS CHRIST, SUPERSTAR (30 + robes for priests, elders)
ALICE IN WONDERLAND (incl. Caterpillar; no hookah, sorry)
PETER PAN (incl. two crocodiles on rollers, two Nanas, Capt. Hook hat/wig and hook)
OLIVER! (urchins and men's costumes only)
THE MUSIC MAN (incl. Harold Hill's reversible jacket in 2 sizes, and ladies' Grecian tunics)
PETER AND THE STAR-CATCHER (mermaid tails incl. Smee's fake mermaid, plus Natives and others)
MY FAIR LADY (nearly complete for all major characters; see photo)
ONCE UPON A MATTRESS (various, incl. Winifred's seaweed dress, Nightingale, and King's derby crown)
FIDDLER ON THE ROOF (prayer coats and shawls, hats for the bottle dance)
THE SKIN OF OUR TEETH (mastodon and dinosaur)