Would you like to have input in how the NCA is run? Are you creative, filled with ideas, and deeply involved in the costuming industry? Then we want you to run for a board position! This is the 100th year of the NCA, and we have room on the board for several smart, dedicated members to help power us into the next century.
Being a board member means that you’ll participate in quarterly Zoom meetings and, typically, one in-person meeting per year. Depending on your expertise and interest, you may also be part of a committee.
Anyone who works for an NCA member company in good standing is eligible to run for the board. Board members typically serve two years, and new members’ terms will begin in August.
If you are interested or have questions, please email Executive Director Ed Avis (executivedirector@costumers.org) or call/text Nominating Chairperson Marion Bradley, 478-396-1204.
We look forward to hearing from you!